1.      Which is the most superior strcture at hilum of left lung?
A.    Pulmonary vein
B.    Pulmonary artery
C.    Bronchus
D.   Bronchial artery
Ans. B
2.      Intrinsic muscles of tongue develop from?
A.    Cervical somite
B.    Mesoderm of pharyngeal pouch
C.    Occipital somite
Ans. C
3.      Gall bladder epithelium is:
A.    Simple squamous
B.    Simple cuboidal with stereocilia
C.    Simple columnar
D.   Simple columnar with brush border
Ans. D
4.      Which does not occur in ulnar nerve injury in the arm?
A.    Claw hand
B.    Atrophy of hypothenar eminence
C.    Loss of sensation of medial one third of hand
D.   Adduction of thumb
Ans. D
5.      In post-ductal coarctation of the aorta, blood flow to the lower limbs is maintained by increased blood flow through :
A.    Inferior Phrenic and pericardiophrenic vessels
B.    Intercostal and Superior epigastric
C.    Subcostal and Ubmilical
D.   Intercostal and Inferior epigastric vessels
Ans. B
6.      Urothelium lines all except :
A.    Minor calyces
B.    Ureter
C.    Urinary bladder
D.   Collecting duct
Ans. D
7.      Violent inversion of the foot will lead to avulsion of tendon of the following muscle attached to the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal :
A.    Peroneus brevis
B.    Peroneus longus
C.    Peroneus tertius
D.   Extensor digitorum brevis
Ans. A
8.      Primitive streak initiation and maintenance is due to :
A.    Barchyury gene
B.    BMPR-4
C.    Nodal gene
D.   FGR-8
Ans. C
9.      Left renal vein crosses the Aorta :
A.    Anteriorly, above the superior mesenteric artery
B.    Anteriorly, below the  superior mesenteric artery
C.    Posteriorly, at the level of superior mesenteric artery
D.   Anteriorly, below the inferior mesenteric artery
Ans. B
10.    Occlusion occurs at the 2nd part of Axillary artery, blood flow is maintained by anasomosis between :
A.    Anterior and posterior circumflex humeral artery
B.    Suprascapular and posterior curcumflex artery
C.    Deep branch of the tranverse cervical artery and Subscapular artery
D.   Anterior circumflex artery and subscapular artery
Ans. C
11.    If the circumflex artery gives off the posterior interventricular artery, them the arterial supply is called :
A.    Right dominance
B.    Left domisance
C.    Balanced dominance
Ans. B
12.    Regarding genital development, true is :
A.    Y Chromosome is associated with ovary development
B.    Genital ridge starts developing at 5th week
C.    Male genitals develop earlier than female genitals
D.   Genital development is complete by 10th week
Ans. B
13.    Meiosis occurs at which of the following trasforamtion :
A.    Primary spermatocyte to intermediate spermatocyte
B.    Primary spermatocyte to secondary spermatocyte
C.    Secondary spermatocyte to round spermatid
D.   Round spermatid to elongated spermatid
Ans. B
14.    The ureter develops from :
A.    Metanephros
B.    Mesonephros
C.    Mesonephric duct
D.   Paramesonephric duct
Ans. B
15.    Perforators are not present at the :
A.    Ankle
B.    Distal calf
C.    Mid thigh
D.   Below the inguinal ligament
Ans. D
16.    A female come with complaints of chest pain. One examination she is found to have pericarditis with pericardial effusion. The pain is mediated by :
A.    Deep cardiac plexus
B.    Superficial cardiac plexus
C.    Phrenic nerve
D.   Subcostal nerve
Ans. C
17.    Which muscle is not punctured while doin a thoracic procedure in the mid-axillary line :
A.    Innermost intercostals
B.    Transverses thoracis
C.    External intercostals
D.   Internal intercostals
Ans. B
18.    According to Couinaud’s classification the 4th segment of the liver is :
A.    Caudate lobe
B.    Quadrate lobe
C.    Left lobe
D.   Right lobe
Ans. B
19.    After fracture of the penis (injury to the tunica albuinea) with intact Buck’s fascia, there occurs hematoma at :
A.    The penis and acrotum
B.    At the perineum in a butterfly shape
C.    Penis, scrotum, perineum and lower part of anterior abdominal wall
D.   Shaft of the penis only
Ans. D
20.    About myocardial O2 demand, true is :
A.    Inverse relation with heart rate
B.    Inverse relation to systemic hypertansion
C.    Constant relation to external work done
D.   Negligible in quiescent heart
Ans. C
21.    Corneal endothelium ion exchange pumps are inhibited by :
A.    Increase in anaerobic glycolysis
B.    Activation of anaerobic glycolysis
C.    Activation of cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors
D.   Interference with electron chain transport
Ans. B
22.    Regarding nitric oxide, false is :
A.    Seen in the lung of smokers
B.    Increases cAMP levels
C.    Used to treat hypertension
Ans. B
23.    Sertoli cells in the testis have receptors for :
A.    FSH
B.    LH
C.    Inhibin
Ans. A
24.    Bicarbonate is maximally abosrbed from :
A.    PCT
B.    DCT
C.    Collecting duct
D.   Thich ascending loop of Henle
Ans. A
25.    A 12 year old girl presents with Acute rheumatic carditis with mitral insufficiency, She is likely to have :
A.    Increased peak expiratory flow
B.    Increased total lung capacity
C.    Increased residual volume
D.   Decreased functional residual capacity
Ans. D
26.    The mechanism af action of surfactant is :
A.    Breaks the structure of water in the alveoli
B.    Lubricates the flow of CO2 diffusion
C.    Makes the capillary surface hydrophilic
Ans. A
27.    The ‘c’-waves in JVP are due to :
A.    Atrial contraction
B.    Bulging of the reicuspid valve into the right atrium
C.    Ventricular systole when the tricuspid valve is closed
Ans. B
28.    Fast axonal transport is by all except :
A.    Dynenin
B.    Kinesin
C.    Microfilaments
D.   Neurofilaments
Ans. D
29.    Ureteric peristalsis is due to :
A.    Symparhetic innervation
B.    Parasympathetic innervation
C.    Both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation
D.   Pacemaker activity of the smooth muscle cells in the renal pelvis
Ans. D
30.    Metabolic alkalosis is seen in :
A.    Mineralocorticoid excess
B.    Increased excretion of base
C.    Decreased secretion of H+ion
D.   Deficiency of mineralocorticoids
Ans. A
31.    When a person changes position from standing to lying down position, following occurs :
A.    Heart rate increases and settles at a higher level
B.    Venous return to the heart rises immediately
C.    Cerebral blood flow becomes more than that in standing position and settles at a higher level
D.   Decrease in blood flow to th lung apex
Ans. B
32.    All of the following occur when the blood flows through systemic capillaries except :
A.    Increase in hematocrit
B.    Hb curve shifts to the left
C.    Increased protein content
D.   Decrease in Ph
Ans. B
33.    Effect of Exercise does not include :
A.    Increased blood flow to the muscles after half minute of exercise
B.    Increase in cerebral blood flow due to increase in systolic blood pressure
C.    Body temperature rise
Ans. B
34.    Which of the following is correctly matched :
A.    B cells - Somatostain
B.    D cells - Insulin
C.    G cells - Gastrin
Ans. C
35.    18 year old male presents with pectus excavatum. He denies history of any dyspnoea or chest pain. On examination there is mild pectus exacavtum and intermittent wheezing on exertion. Surgery in this patient is indicated if he has :
A.    FEVI / FVC less than 0.60
B.    Limitation of maximum inspiration during exercise
C.    Peak work capacity 60% of expected
D.   Functional work capacity 80% of expected
Ans. B
36.    Peroxidase is used to detect :
A.    Glucose
B.    Ammonia
C.    Hemoglobin
D.   Creatinine
Ans. A
37.    For biochemical analysis vitreous in sent in :
A.    Hydrochloric acid
B.    Phenol / xylol
C.    Formalin
D.   Fluoride
Ans. D
38.    Blood spills on the floor are cleaned by :
A.    Sodium hypochlorite
B.    Iodine
C.    A bsolute alcohol
D.   Quarternary ammonium compounds
Ans. A
39.    PCR requires :
A.    Li++
B.    Ca++
C.    Na++
D.   Mg++
Ans. D
40.    In Lysosomal Storage Disorders, true is :
A.    The lysosomes are deficient in the enzyme hydrolase
B.    There is a defect in the fusion of lysosomes and phagosomes
C.    There is a defect in the lysosomal membrane
Ans. A
41.    Vitamin K is required for :
A.    Carboxylation
B.    Hydroxylation
Ans. A
42.    Proteins which are different in peptide sequence but have a similar structure in the process of evolution are said to be :
A.    Convergent
B.    Divergent
C.    Opportunistic
D.   Incidental
Ans. A
43.    Hemoglobin estiamtion is not done by :
A.    Drabkin’s method
B.    Sahil’s method
C.    Spectrometry
D.   Wintrobe’s method
Ans. D
44.    Nephelometry is :
A.    Lambert-beer law
B.    Scattering of light by particulate solution
C.    Defraction of light
D.   Decreased intensity of light
Ans. B
45.    Stem cell transforms to form other tissues the process is called as :
A.    Dedifferentiation
B.    Redifferentiation
C.    Transdifferentiation
D.   Subdifferentiation
Ans. C
46.    A 2-year old child presents with scattered lesions in the skull. Biopsy revealed Langerhans giant cells. Most commonly associated is :
A.    CDla
B.    CD57
C.    CD3
D.   DC68
Ans. A
47.    Caspases are involved in :
A.    Apoptosis
Ans. A
48.    In mitral valve prolapse, the histological finding is :
A.    Hyalinization of the valve
B.    Fibrinoid necrosis
C.    Myzomatous degeneratin of the valve
Ans. C
49.    Acridine orange is used as a stain for :
A.    DNA and RNA
B.    Proteins
C.    Carbohydrate
D.   Lipids
Ans. A
50.    PAs does not stain :
A.    Fungal cell wall
B.    Basement membrane of bacteria
C.    Glycogen
D.   Lipids
Ans. D
51.    Not used to stain facts :
A.    Oil red O
B.    Congo red
C.    Sudan III
D.   Sudan black
Ans. B
52.    Cryoprecipitate contains all of the following execpt :
A.    Factor VIII
B.    Factor IX
C.    Von Willebrand factor
D.   Fibrinogen
Ans. B
53.    In Hyaline cartilage, type of collagen present is :
A.    Type 1
B.    Type 2
C.    Type 3
D.   Type 4
Ans. B
54.    FNAC needly gauge size is :
A.    26 - 28
B.    22 - 26
C.    18 - 22
D.   16 - 18
Ans. B
55.    Basement membrane consists of all except :
A.    Laminin
B.    Nidogen
C.    Entactin
D.   Rhodopsin
Ans. D
56.    Senile cardiac amyloidosis is due to defect in :
A.    a2 _ microglobulin
B.    Transthyretin
C.    AANE
D.   Pyrin
Ans. B
57.    Shock lung is characterized histologically by :
A.    Diffuse alveolar oedema
B.    Hemosiderosis
C.    Interstitial pneumonia
D.   Pulmonary oedema
Ans. A
58.    Feature of Irreversible cell injury is :
A.    Amorphous deposit in the mitochondria
B.    Swelling of endoplasmic reticulum
C.    Detachment of ribosome
Ans. A
59.    Micronodular cirrhosis is seen in all except :
A.    Chronic hepatitis B
B.    Alcoholic hepatitis
C.    Chronic cirrhosis secondary to biliary stasis
D.   Hemochromatosis
Ans. A
60.    Councilman bodies are seen in :
A.    Alcoholic cirrhosis
B.    Wilson’s disease
C.    Acute viral hepatitis
Ans. C
61.    What is true linkage analysis in familial gene disorders :
A.    Characteristic DNA ploymorphism in a family is associated with disorders
B.    Characteristic DNA polymorphism with a clinical phenotype
C.    Useful to make pedigree chart to show affected and non-affected family members
D.   Used to make a pedigree chart to show non-paremity
Ans. C
62.    OC pills are contraindicated in parients reveiving :
A.    Rifampicin
B.    Ethambutol
C.    Streptomycin
D.   Pyrainamide
Ans. A
63.    True about fibrates is all except :
A.    activate PPARa
B.    Absorped better on empty stomach and decreased on food intake
C.    Side effects include rash, myalgia, impotence and many others
D.   They are the drug of choice in type III hyperlipidemia and hypertriglyceridemia
Ans. B
64.    True about Benzodiazepines as compared to other bypnotics is :
A.    They alter sleep pattern more than other hypnotics
B.    More sedative than other hypnotics
C.    Overdose is better tolerated compared to other hypnotics
Ans. C
65.    Thiazides cause all except :
A.    Hyperglycemia
B.    Increased calcium excretion
C.    Increased uric acid excretion
D.   Useful in congestive heart failure
Ans. B
66.    Regarding Furosemide true is :
A.    Given by parenteral route only
B.    Used in pulmonary edema
C.    Acts at the PCT
D.   Causes hypercalcemia
Ans. B
67.    Uterine relaxant with the least side effect :
A.    Ritogrine
B.    MgSO4
C.    Nifedipine
D.   Progesterone
Ans. C
68.    Bisphosphonates are not used in :
A.    Hypercalcemia
B.    Osteoporosis
C.    Cancer
D.   Vitamin D intoxication
Ans. D
69.    True about protease inhibitor are all except :
A.    Acts as a substrate for P-glycoprotein and action is mediated by MDR-1 gene
B.    Undergo hepatic oxidative metabolism
C.    All protease inhibitors interfere with metabolism by drug interactions
D.   Saquinavir causes maximum induction of CYP3A4
Ans. D
70.    Therapeutic monitoring is done for all of the following except :
A.    Tacrolimus
B.    Metformin
C.    Cyclosporine
D.   Phenytoin
Ans. B
71.    Antiemetic with most “affinity” for “5Ht3” is :
A.    Ondansetron
B.    Granisetron
C.    Dolasetron
D.   Palonosetron
Ans. D
72.    Regarding Phenytoin false is :
A.    Induces microsomal enzymes
B.    At very low doses, zero order kinetics occurs
C.    Higher the dose, higher is the half life
D.   Highly protein bound
Ans. B
73.    Hyperglycemia is caused by all except :
A.    Beta blockers
B.    Glucocorticoids
D.   Indinetgacin
Ans. D
74.    Which of the following is not used as a sedative, but causes sedation as a side effect :
A.    Digitalis, anit-arrhythmics
B.    Antihistaminics, antidepressants
C.    Mactolides
Ans. B
75.    All but one acts via GABA A except :
A.    Thiopentone
B.    Midazolam
C.    Zolpidem / zopiclone
D.   Promethazine
Ans. D
76.    A patient is posted for elective surgery. Which of the following drugs should be stopped on the day of surgery :
A.    Atenolol
B.    Amlodepine
C.    Statins
D.   Metformin
Ans. D
77.    Hypercalcemia is caused by all except :
A.    Loop diuretics
B.    Lithium
C.    Vitamin D intoxication
Ans. A
78.    All of the following can be used for thromboprophylaxis except :
A.    Heparin
B.    Aspirin
C.    Warfarin
D.   Antithrombin-III             
Ans. D
79.    Used for the treatment of migraine, the triptans act through :
A.    5HT-1A
B.    5HT-1B
C.    5HT-1F
D.   5HT-3
Ans. B
80.    Good clinical practices required in all except :
A.    Preclinical phase
B.    Phase 1
C.    Phase 2
D.   Phase 4
Ans. A
81.    Telefona is :
A.    Beating on the feet (soles)
B.    Pulling of hair
C.    Beating on both the ears
Ans. C
82.    In death due to asphyxia, last to be opened is :
A.    Head
B.    Neck
C.    Thorax
D.   Abodomen
Ans. B
83.    All of the following are included in grievous hurt except :
A.    Loss of testis
B.    Loss of eye
C.    Loss of kidney
D.   Abrasion of the face
Ans. D
84.    Not a part of informed consent is :
A.    All information should be given about treatment options
B.    All iformation about expected complications should be told
C.    Any treatment option better than the treatment being provided should be told
D.   Concealed information
Ans. D
85.    In tandem number of bullets fired :
A.    1
B.    2
C.    3
D.   4
Ans. B
86.    HACEK group includes all except :
A.    Hemophilus aprophillus
B.    Acinetrobacter baumanni
C.    Eikenella corrodens
D.   Cardobacterium bominis
Ans. B
87.    A male patient with symptoms of urethritis. Examination reveals only pus cell but no organisms Lesions are caused mostly by :
A.    Chalmydia trachomatis
B.    H.ducreyi
C.    Treponema pallidum
Ans. A
88.    Lancefield grouping of streptococci is done by using :
A.    M protein
B.    Group C peptidoglycan cell wall
C.    Groups C carbohydrate antigen
Ans. C
89.    The medium used for Vibrio cholerae is :
A.    Thayer-martin
B.    TCBS medium
C.    Scirrow’s medium
D.   Loeffer’s
Ans. B
90.    Prions consist of :
A.    DNA and RNA
B.    DNA, RNA and proteins
C.    RNA and proteins
D.   Only proteins
Ans. D
91.    Regarding mumps all are true except :
A.    SSPe
B.    Mumps causes aseptic meningitis in adults
Ans. A
92.    In active chronic hepatitis B, all are seen except :
A.    HbsAg
B.    IgM anti-HbcAg
C.    Anti-HbsAg
Ans. B
93.    True about polioviruses is :
A.    Most cases are symptomatic
B.    Inactivated vaccines given I.M. produce spastic paralysis
C.    Inactivated polio vaccine are given to child less than 3 years of age
Ans. D
94.    Positive Schick’s test indicates that the person is :
A.    Immune to diphtheria
B.    Hypersensitive to diphtheria
C.    Susceptible to diphtheria
D.   Susceptible & hypersensitive to diphtheria
Ans. D
95.    True about Corynebacterium diphrheria is : A/E
A.    Deep invasion is not seen
B.    Elek’s test is done for toxigenicity
C.    Metachromatic granules are seen
D.   Toxigenicity is mediated by chromosomal change
Ans. D
96.    Which of the following will cause an icrease in the prevalence of the disease :
A.    Immigration of healthy perosons
B.    Increased cure rate of the disease
C.    Longer duration of the disease
Ans. C
97.    Which vaccine should not be given to a child suffering from convulsions?
A.    Measles
B.    BCG
C.    DPT
D.   OPV
Ans. C
98.    Under the National Programme for control of blindness who is supposed to conduct the vision screening of school students ?
A.    School teachers
B.    Medical officers of health centers
C.    Ophthalmologists
D.   Health assistants
Ans. A
99.    Active method to detect undiagnosed cases in apparently helthy persons is :
A.    Screening
B.    Surveillance
C.    Case finding
D.   Notification
Ans. A
100. A 18 month old child come to you with history of immunization taken only for a single dose of OPV and DPT. What will you give now?
A.    Re-srart the immunization according to age
B.    Give BCG, Measles and booster doses of OPV and DPT
C.    Give Measles and booster doses of OPV and DPT
D.   Give BCG and second doses of OPV and DPT
Ans. B
101. Regarding National Polio surveillance all are true except :
A.    Mopping up is done in areas with active cases found
B.    Better routine immunization
C.    Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Surveillance is not done in childern < 5years of age.
Ans. D
102. Epidemic Dropsy is due to :
A.    BOAA
B.    Sanguinarine
C.    Aflatioxin
Ans. B
103. In an epidemic the first case of come to the notice of the investigator is :
A.    Index case
B.    Primary case
C.    Secondary case
D.   Tertiary cse
Ans. A
104. Maternal Mortality Rate is calculated by :
A.    Maternal deaths/live birth
B.    Maternal deaths/1000 live births
C.    Maternal deaths/100000 live births
D.   Maternal deaths/100000 live births
Ans. D
105. Comparison of the value obtained and a predetermined objective is done by:
A.    Ealuation
B.    Monitoring
C.    Input - output analysis
D.   Network analysis
Ans. A
106. Not included in the National Immunisation Programme is :
A.    Tetanus toxoid
B.    Hepatitis B
C.    BCG
D.   Measles
Ans. B
107. Kala-azar, vector is:
A.    lea
B.    Tsetse fly
C.    Sand fly
D.   Mite
Ans. C
108. Scrub typhus is transmitted by :
A.    Reduvid bug
B.    Trombiculid mite
C.    Enteric pathogens
D.   Cyclops
Ans. B
109. Mirena is :
A.    Used in abortion
B.    Anti-progesterone
C.    Progesterone IUCD
D.   Hormonal implant
Ans. C
110. True about dietary allowance are all except :
A.    Adequate intake
B.    RDA
C.    Dietary intake according to food compose
Ans. A
111. Which of the following person is present in a lab-centre :
A.    Multipurpose worker
B.    Laboratory technician
C.    Health educator
D.   Medical officer
Ans. A
112. SAFE strategy is recommended for :
A.    Trachoma
B.    Glaucoma
C.    Diabetic retinopathy
D.   Cataract
Ans. A
113. Regarding flourosis all are true except :
A.    Flourosis is the most common cause of dental caries in children
B.    Deposition of fluorides in the skeletal system and muscles
C.    Defluoridation is done by Nalgonda technique
D.   Genu valgum
Ans. A
114. All of the following are sources of U-3 PUFA except :
A.    Mustard oil
B.    Groundnut oil
C.    Corn oil
D.   Fish oil
Ans. B
115. All are measure of dispersion around central value except :
A.    Mode
B.    Range
C.    Variable
D.   Standard deviation
Ans. A
116. Primary Health Care is :
A.    Health for all
Ans. A
117. In emergency tracheostomy the following structures are damaged except:
A.    Isthmus of the thyroid
B.    Inferior thyroid artery
C.    Thyroidea ima
D.   Inferior thyroid vein
Ans. B
118. After laparoscopic appendicectomy a female patient slipped and hurt her nose on the bed. She developed swelling of the nose, injury to anterior nasal bone and had mild difficulty in breathing. What would you do next?
A.    Intravenous antibiotics for 7-10 days
B.    Observation in hospital
C.    Surgical drainage
D.   Discharge after 2 days and follow up of the patient after 8 weeks
Ans. C
119. A patient presents with Carcinoma of the larynx involving the left false cords, left arytenoids and the left aryepiglottic folds with bilateral mobile true cords. Treatment of choice is :
A.    Vertical hemilaryngectomy
B.    Horizontal hemilaryngectomy
C.    Radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy
D.   Total laryngectomy
Ans. B
120. A child presents with ear infection with foul smelling discharge. On further exploration a small perforation is found in the pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane. Most appropriate next step in the management would be :
A.    Topical antibiotics and decongestants for 4 weeks
B.    IV antibiotics and follow up after a month
C.    Tympanoplasty
D.   Tympano-mastoid exploration
Ans. D
121. A 30 year old man presents with 6 month history of nasal discharge, facial pain and fever. On antibiotic therapy, fever subsided. After 1 month again had symptoms of mucopurulent discharge from the middle meatus and the mucosa of the meatus appeared congested and oedematous. Next best investigation would be :
A.    MRI of the brain
B.    NCCT of the nose and para-nasal sinuses
C.    Plain x-ray of the para-nasal sinuses
D.   Inferior meatus puncture
Ans. B
122. Dangerous area of the eye is :
A.    Ciliary body
B.    Sclera
C.    Optic nerve
D.   Retina
Ans. A
123. Transparency of the cornea is maintained by all except :
A.    Mitotic figures in the central cornea
B.    Wide separated collagen bands
C.    Hydration of the corneal epithelium
D.   Unmyelinated nerve fibers
Ans. B
124. A patient is on a Low calcium diet for 6 weeks. He is most likely to have :
A.    Raised parathyroid hormone levels
B.    Raised calcitonin levels
C.    Increased phosphate levels
D.   Increase in levels of 24, 2a Hydroxylase in liver
Ans. A
125. Not seen in SIADH is:
A.    Hyponatremia
B.    Hypopuricemia
C.    Volume depletion causing hypotension
Ans. C
126. A 40-year-old man, heavy smoker, complains of epigastric pain since an hour. On electrocardiographic examination he is found to have ST elevations in inferior leads. What is the immediate therapy :
A.    Aspirin
B.    Thrombolytics
C.    Pantoprazole
D.   Beta-blockers
Ans. B
127. Most common site of subependymal giant cell astrocytomas is :
A.    Foramen of Monro
B.    Temporal horn of the lateral ventricle
C.    Trigone of the lateral ventricle
D.   Fourth ventricle
Ans. A
128. In HIV window period indicates :
A.    Time period between infection and onset of first symptoms
B.    Time period between infection and detection of antibodies against HIV
Ans. B
129. In collapsing glomerulopathy, the following is seen :
A.    Hypertrophy and degeneration of the visceral epithelium
B.    Proliferation of the parietal epithelium
C.    Tuft necrosis
D.   Mesangiolysis
Ans. A
130. Persistent foetal lobulation of adult kidney is due to :
A.    Congenital renal defect
B.    Obstructive uropathy
C.    Intrauterine infections and scar
D.   Is a normal variant
Ans. D
131. A patient presents with hyperparathyroidism. He has a family history of his siblings having pituitary involvement, thyroid nodules, pancreatic involvement, parathyroid hyperplasia and cutaneous angiofibromas. Most likely diagnosis:
A.    MEN 1
B.    MEN 2A
C.    MEN 2B
D.   MEN 2C
Ans. A
132. Pancytopenia with cellular bone marrow is seen in all except :
A.    PNH
B.    Megaloblastic anaemia
C.    Myelodysplastic anaemia
D.   Congenital Dyserythropoetic Anaemia
Ans. D
133. Most common tumour in NF-1 is :
A.    Astrocytoma
B.    Optic tract glioma
C.    Glioblastoma multiforme
Ans. B
134. Fractional excretion of Na+ < 1% is seen in :
A.    Pre-renal azotemia
B.    ATN
C.    Intrinsic renal failure
D.   Renal artery stenosis
Ans. A
135. With CSF all are true except :
A.    Persistent leakage causes headache
B.    Neutrophils are normally not present
C.    pH is less than that of blood
D.   Secreted by the arachnoid villi
Ans. D
136. Not a feature of DKA is :
A.    Tachypnoea
B.    Bradycardia
C.    Abdominal pain
D.   Dehydration
Ans. B
137. Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is caused by all except :
A.    Hyperventilation
B.    Morbid obesity
C.    Fenfluramine
D.   High altitude
Ans. A
138. Cushing’s disease includes all except :
A.    Central obesity
B.    Episodic hypertension
C.    Easy bruisability
D.   Glucose intolerance
Ans. B
139. Hypertension with hypokalemia is seen in all except :
A.    Renal artery stenosis
B.    End stage renal disease
C.    Caushing’s disease
D.   Primary hyperaldosteronism
Ans. B
140. Seen in agenesis of corpus collosum is :
A.    Astereognosis
B.    Hemiparesis
C.    Hemisensoriloss
D.   No neurological deficit
Ans. D
141. Marker for acute Hepatitis B is :
A.    HBV-DNA polymerase
B.    IgG anti-HBc
C.    Core antigen (HbcAg)
D.   Anti-HbsAg
Ans. A
142. Reye’s syndrome is ultrastructurally characterized by :
A.    Mitochondrial blebs and enlarged mitochondria
B.    Depletion of glycogen
C.    Dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum
D.   Perinuclear staining
Ans. A
143. Von Hippel Lindau syndrome includes all except :
A.    Endolymphatic sac tumours
B.    Pheochromocytoma
C.    Hemangioendotheliomas
D.   Islet cell tumours
Ans. A
144. Which of the following is not included in intensive management of diabetes mellitus :
A.    Pregnancy
B.    Postural hypotension due to autonomic neuropathy
C.    DM with acute MI
D.   Post kidney tranplant
Ans. B
145. Extensive involvement of deep white matter with hyperintense thalamic lesion on MRI of the brain is seen in :
A.    Alexender’s disease
B.    Krabbe’s ds.
C.    Canavan’s ds
D.   Metachromatic leucodystrophy
Ans. B
146. Most common site of spinal cord tumour is :
A.    Intradural extramedullary
B.    Extradural
C.    Intramedullary
D.   All have equal distribution
Ans. B
147. The best investigation is thromboembolism is :
A.    D-dimer levels
B.    Multidetector CT angiography
C.    Colour Doppler USG
D.   Catheter angiography
Ans. B
148. ECG was shown. 70 year old man with no previous significant medical history presenting with sudden onset syncope. Most likely diagnosis is :
A.    Vasovagal shock
B.    Pulmonary embolism
C.    Complete heart block
D.   Temporal lobe epilepsy
Ans. ECG tracing is required to answer this question.
149. All are essential components of TOF except :
A.    Valvular pulmonic stenosis
B.    Right ventricular hypertrophy
C.    Infundibular stenosis
D.   Aorta overriding
Ans. A
150. Inflammation of a retrocaecal appendix will produce pain when there is which of the following movements at the hip :
A.    Flexion
B.    Extension
C.    Medial rotation
D.   Lateral rotation
Ans. B
151. True about Ogilive’s syndrome are all except :
A.    It is caused by mechanical obstruction of the colon
B.    It involves entier / part of the large colon
C.    It occurs after previous surgery
D.   It occurs commonly after narcotic use
Ans. A
152. Shoulder pain post laparoscopy is due to :
A.    Subphrenic abscess
B.    CO2 insufflation
C.    Positioning of the patient
D.   Compression of the lung
Ans. B
153. A 3-year old girl is posted for tonsillectomy. On examination it is found that she has a midline cystic swelling extending till below the hyoid bone. It is painless and moves with deglutition. The thyroid examination is normal. What should be done next?
A.    Percutaneous aspiration
B.    I.V. antibiotics
C.    Surgical removal
D.   Observation
Ans. C
154. A 30 year old male patient presents with a peptic ulcer in the posterior duodenum with a bleeding vessel at the base. The bleeding is not controlled endoscopically, on examination his heart rate is 100/min, BP is 110/76 mm of Hg and Hb is 10 gm/dl after transfusion. Next step in his management will be :
A.    Proton pump inhibitors
B.    Duodenotomy with controlled bleeder and pyloroplasty
C.    Duedenotomy with controlled bleeder and truncal vegotomy with antrectomy
D.   Partial gastrectomy involving the bleeding ulcer
Ans. C
155. For a lower end esophagus adenocarcinoma, a transhiatal oesophagectomy is planned. The approach would be in the following order :
A.    Abdomen – Neck
B.    Chest – Abdomen – Neck
C.    Abdomen – Chest – Neck
D.   Right chest – Neck
Ans. A
156. A 23 year old male who is otherwise normal complains of mild pain in his right iliac fossa in a waveform pattern which increases during the night and he becomes exhausted and is admitted in the hospital. On examination there is mild hematuria. Urine examination reveals plenty of RBCs, 50WBCs/hpf. Urine pH  is 5.5. Most likely diagnosis :
A.    Glomerulonephritis
B.    Ca-Urinary bladder
C.    Ureteral calculus
Ans. C
157. In a patient with post partum hemorrhage with rheumatic heart disease, which is contraindicated :
A.    Misoprostol
B.    Methylergometrine
C.    Oxytocin
D.   Carboprost
Ans. B
158. THE BEST agent used for fixation of Pap smear is :
A.    Ethyl alcohol
B.    Acetone
C.    Formalin
D.   Xylol
Ans. A
159. Post-operative radiotherapy in a patient operated for Ca-endometrium is indicated in all of the following except:
A.    Deep myometrial invasion
B.    Pelvic lymph node involvement
C.    Enlarged uterine cavity
D.   Poor tumour differentiation
Ans. C
160. Polyhyramnios is associated with all except :
A.    Tracheo-esophageal fistula
B.    Anencephaly
C.    Bilateral renal agenesis
D.   Bowel atresia
Ans. C
161. A 18 year old primigravida complained of decreaed fetal movements. She deliveerd a baby weighing 2000 gms at 30 weeks of gestation. The APGAR scores of the baby were 4 and 5 at 1 and 5 minutes respectively. The baby died in an hour. Post-mortem examination revealed multiple, peripheral, radially arranged cysts in the kidney. Most common associated finding in the baby would be:
A.    Holoprosencephaly
B.    Hepatic cysts and hepatic fibrosis
C.    Ureteral agenesis
D.   Medullary sponge kidney
Ans. B
162. In which of the following heart diseases is maternal mortality during pregnancy is found to be the highest?
A.    Coarcatation of aorta
B.    Eisenmenger’s complex
C.    Aortic stenosis
D.   Mitral stenosis
Ans. B
163. Clomiphene citrate is associated with all except :
A.    Polycystic ovarian disease
B.    Multiple pregnancies
C.    Ovarian cancer
D.   Teratogenecity
Ans. D
164. Following is associated with maximum risk of invasive carcinoma of cervix :
A.    Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
B.    High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
C.    Squamous intraepithelial lesion associated with HPV-16
D.   Squamous intraepithelial lesion associated with HIV
Ans. B
165. According to the new WHO criteria, all are true in a normal person except :
A.    Sperm count > 20 million
B.    Volume > 1 ml
C.    Normal morphology in > 15% (strict criteria)
D.   Aggressive forward motility in > 25%
Ans. D
166. A third gravida female with a history of 2 previous 2nd trimester abortions present at 22 weeks of gestation with funnelling of the cervix. Most appropriate management would be :
A.    Administer Dinoprostone and bed rest
B.    Administer mifipristone and bed rest
C.    Apply Fothergill’s stitch
D.   Apply McDonald’s stitch
Ans. D
167. Internal Podalic Version done in cases of transverse lie is associated with the following complication:
A.    Uterine rupture
B.    Vaginal laceration
C.    Uterine atony
D.   Cervical laceration
Ans. A
168. Decrease in maternal serum AFP levels is seen in all except :
A.    Down’s syndrome
B.    Molar pregnancy
C.    Over estimated gestational age
D.   Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome
Ans. D
169. An 18-year-old girl presents with amenorrhoea, weight loss and milky discharge from the nipples. Most likely diagnosis is:
A.    Anorexia nervosa
B.    Occult carcinoma
C.    Hypothyroidism
D.   HIV
Ans. A
170. Goniometry is measurement of :
A.    Number of gonococci
B.    Length of the genital hiatus
C.    Urethrovesicla angle
D.   Genital secretion
Ans. C
171. Asherman’s syndrome is diagnosed by all except :
A.    HSG
B.    Hysteroscopy
C.    Endometrial culture
D.   Saline infusion USG
Ans. C
172. Most common type of seizures in neonates are :
A.    Clonic
B.    Tonic
C.    Subtle
D.   Myoclonic
Ans. C
173. In Down’s syndrome, false is :
A.    Increased PAPP-A
B.    Increased b-HCG
C.    Absent nasal bone
D.   Increased ductus venous blood flow
Ans. A
174. A newborn female child, weight 3.5 kg, delivered by uncomplicated delivery, developed respiratory distress immediately after birth. On chest x-ray ground glass appearance was seen. Baby put on mechanical ventilation and was give surfactant but condition of baby deteriorates and increasing hypoxemia was present. A full term female ‘sibling’ died within a week with the same complaints. ECHO is normal. Usual cultures are negative. Your diagnosis is :
A.    Total anomalous pulmonary vein connection
B.    Meconium aspiration syndrome
C.    Neonatal pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
D.   Disseminated HSV infection
Ans. C
175. In a survey, many children are examined and were found to have urogenital abnormalities. The ones having urothelial cancers are most likely to be associated with which anomaly :
A.    Medullary sponge kidney
B.    Bladder extrophy
C.    Unilateral renal agenesis
D.   Double ureter
Ans. B
176. A 71/2 year old child presents with non productive cough, mild stridoe since 6 months. On oral antibiotics, patient is improving but suddenly develops wheezing, productive cough, mild fever. X-ray shows hyperlucency and PFT shows obstructive curve. Most probable diagnosis is :
A.    Post viral syndrome
B.    Bronchiolitis obliterans
C.    Follicular bronchitis
D.   Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
Ans. B
177. A 2-year-old female child developed fever, cough and respiratory distress. On chest xray consolidation is seen in right lower lobe. She improved with antibiotics but on follow up at 8 weeks was against found to have increasing consolidation in right lower lobe and fever. Your next investigation would be :
A.    Bronchoscopy
B.    Bacterial culture of the nasopharynx
C.    CT scan of the chest
D.   Allergen sensitivity test
Ans. A
178. A child presents with history of respiratory infections. His sweat chlorides levels are 36 and 41 mEq/L on two different occasions. Which other test would you do to exclude the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis :
A.    Repeat sweat chloride measurements
B.    Nasal electrode potential difference
C.    Fat in stool for next 72 hours
D.   DNA analysis for A 508 mutation
Ans. B
179. A term infant has not passed meconium for 48 hours. He presents with distension of abdomen and emesis since one day. Next most appropriate investigation would be :
A.    Genetic testing for cystic fibrosis
B.    Manometry
C.    Lower bowel contrast enema
D.   Oesophagoscopy
Ans. B
180. A 12 year old child presents with nonblanching rash over the extensor aspect of arm with swelling over hematuris +++. On kidney biopsy which finding will be most commonly seen :
A.    Fusion of podocytes
B.    Acute tubular necrosis
C.    Deposition of IgA
D.   Thickened basement membrane
Ans. C
181. A child presented with respiratory distress was brought to emergency with bag and mask ventilation. After few minutes he was intubated. Chest x ray shows right sided deviation of mediastinum with scaphoid abdomen. His Pulse impulse has shifted to the right. What is the next step?
A.    Remove the Endotracheal tube
B.    Put a nasogastric tube
C.    Surgery
D.   Tube thoracostomy
Ans. B
182. 22 year female taken medicine for typhoid fever 3 months back. She developed generalized loss of hair:
A.    Telogen effluvium
B.    Anagen effluvium
C.    Alopecia areata
Ans. A
183. Regarding vitiligo all are true except :
A.    Occurs in genetically predisposed individual
B.    UV B therapy given
C.    Local steroid
D.   Leukotrichia is a good prognosis
Ans. D
184. Cicatrical alopecia is seen in all except :
A.    Alopecia areata
B.    Pseudopalady
C.    Lichen planus
D.   DLE
Ans. A
185. Floating water lily sign sign on X ray chest –
A.    Hydatid disease of liver
B.    Aspergillosis
C.    Tubercular cavity
D.   Bronchiectasis
Ans. A
186. ‘Egg-on-side’ apearance on X-ray chest is seen in :
A.    Tetralogy of Fallor
B.    Uncorrected TGA
C.    Tricuspid atresia
D.   Ebstein’s anomaly
Ans. B
187. Hampton’s hump is seen in :
A.    Pulmonary embolism
B.    Tuberculosis
C.    Broncogenic CA
Ans. A
191. Regarding type A personality, false is :
A.    Hostility
B.    Time pressure
C.    Competitiveness
D.   Mood fluctuations
Ans. D
192. All are characteristics of schizophrenia except:
A.    Third person auditory hallucinations
B.    Inappropriate emotions
C.    Long stretches of mood changes
D.   Formal thought disorder
Ans. C
193. Altered perception of real objects is :
A.    Illusion
B.    Delusion
C.    Hallucination
D.   Delirium
Ans. A
194. Psychodynamic therapy of mental illness is based on:
A.    Unconscious conflict
B.    NMaladaptive reinforcement
C.    Organic neurological problem
D.   CNV
Ans. A
195. Learning does not include:
A.    Modeling
B.    Catharsis
C.    Exposure
D.   Sensitization
Ans. B
196. Kanavel sign present in :
A.    Tenosynovitis
B.    Dupuytren’s contracture
C.    Carpal tunnel syndrome
D.   Trigger finger
Ans. A
197. In osteomalacia, all are true except:
A.    Increased serum alkaline phosphatase
B.    Increaed serum calcium
C.    Looser’s zones
D.   Proximal myopathy
Ans. B
198. Staging of bone tumours is done by :
A.    Enneking
B.    Manchester
C.    Edmonton
D.   TNM
Ans. A
199. Primary impact injury is seen externally most commonly in the:
A.    Head
B.    Chest
C.    Legs
D.   Abdomen
Ans. C
200. One of the following is the watershed area of the colon between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries:
A.    Hepatic flexure
B.    Splenic flexure
C.    Ascending colon
D.   Descending colon
Ans. B

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