AIIMS NOV 2011 (1-100)

1. An elderly man presented with fever and cough. Sputum examination revealed gram negative organisms that were grown on Buffered charcoal yeast extract agar. The organism involved is?
a. H. influenzae
b. Legionella pneumophila c. Burkholderia cepacia
d.. Brucella

2. Not true about drug resistance mechanism?
a. Most common mechanism is production of neutralizing substances b. If resistance is plasmid mediated, it is always transferred vertically c. Alteration of target in pneumococcal resistance
d. Complete removal of target is cause of resistance to vancomycin

3. Ozurdex is
a. 0.7% dexamethasone b. 0.7% betamethasone c. 0.3% triamcinolone
d. 0.7% triamcinolone

4. Which of the following is used to prevent HIV transmission from an HIV positive pregnant mother to child?
a. Lamivudine
b. Stavudine c. Nevirapine d. Didanosine

5. All of the following are required in PCR except a. Deoxyribonucleotides
b. Thermostable enzyme /DNA polymerase
c. Dideoxyribonucleotides
d. Magnesium/ssdna /Template DNA

6. Isoenzyme have all the properties except- a. interact with the same receptor
b. have same number and sub naming
c. have equal affinity for target /Same quaternary structure d. Same classification/ same rate of work

7. Which among the following is an incorrect match?
a. Murder IPC 300
b. Murder attempt IPC 307
c. Suicide attempt IPC 309/304-culpable homicide not amounting to murder d. 306-suicide

8. Receptor based drug design is helpful as a. It leads to very less lead compound
b. Understanding the structure of receptor can enhance better target c. It is very easy and less time consuming
d. Not Recalled

9. First step to produce insulin is to incorporate a. mRNA of beta pancreatic cell of humans
b. DNA of beta pancreatic cell of humans
c. mRNA of beta pancreatic cell of bacteria d. DNA of beta pancreatic cell of bacteria

10. The most common gene defect in idiopathic steroid resistant Nephrotic syndrome

a. NPHS 2 b.ACE /ALE c.HOX 11 d.PAX

11. Which of the following has LEAST chance of progression to multiple sclerosis a. Optic nerve involvement
b. Absence of oligoclonal antibodies in CSF
c. Truncal ataxia
d. Pyramidal involvement

12. Investigation of choice for meningial carcinamatosis?
a. Non contrast CT
b. Contrast MRI
d. PET

13. A patient presents with recurrent sinusitis, situs inversus and dextrocardia. Most probable diagnosis is
a. Kartgener’s syndrome b. Horner’s Syndrome
c. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome d. Brown-Séquard syndrome

14. Mean arterial pressure is
a. DBP + SBP/2 b. DBP + PP/3
c. SBP + PP/3
d. DBP + SBP +PP/3

15. Investigation of choice for zenker’s diverticulum a. Barium swallow
b. Oesophageal manometry c. 24hr ph monitoring.
d. Endoscopy /MRI

16. During starvation gluconeogenesis is dependent on?
a. Alanine
b.Beta oxidation of fatty acid c.ADP
d. ATP

17. Increased level of alanine in serum after fasting suggests :
a. Increased muscle breakdown
b. Reduced amino acid utilization from gluconeogenesis
c. Break in continuity of plasma membrane so amino acids leaking out.. d. Not Recalled

18. What is the probable diagnosis in a patient with a dilated pupil not responsive to 1%
a. Diabetic 3rd nerve palsy b. Adie’s tonic pupil
c. Uncal herniation
d. Pharmacological block

19. Dilator pupillae is supplied by
a. Post ganglionic parasympathetic edinger wesphal b. Post ganglionic sympathetic
c. Occulomotor

d. Trigeminal

20. Calcification around Foramen of Monro, with periventricular infiltrate, raised intracranial tension mass and below 3rd ventricle is seen in?
a. Ependymoma
b. Sub ependydomal-astrocytoma c. Neuronal-cyst
d. Central neurocytoma

21. All of the following occur in Herpes zoster keratitis except?
a. Pseudodendritic keratitis
b. Anterior endothelial keratitis
c. Sclero keratitis /stromal keratitis d. Endothelitis

22. In India, syndromic management is applicable for?
a. Chancroid and chancre
b. Chancroid and herpes genitalis
c. Chancroid, chancre, herpes genitalis d. Chancre and herpes genitalis

23. A man presents with a 6 month history of recurrent oral ulceration. He has yellowish ulcerations on his lip which are erythematous, with a central halo and nodular lesions
on his shin. Diagnosis is :
a. Behcet's syndrome b. Herpes labialis

c. Fixed drug eruption d. Pemphigus

24. NESTROFT test is used in?
a. Thalassemia
b. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
C. Spherocytosis
d. Sickle cell disease

25. Which of the following does not occur in a child exposed to cold climate?
a. Shivering
b. Flexion of body like a fetus c. Cutaneous vasoconstriction
d. Production of noradrenalilne to release energy from brown adipose tissue

26. Socialised medicine all are true except
a. Decreases competition among practitioners for patients b. Ensures universal coverage
c. Using state funds for free medicine
d. Increases utilisation of health facilities

27. Psychoitic features are due to all except- a. GABA
b. Serotinin c. CCK-PZ
d. Melatonin

28. A patient with radiologically confirmed Reflux nephropathy develops 3+ proteinuria. What is the most probable cause of proteinuria in this patient?
a. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis b. Focal segmental glomerulonephritis
c. Membranous glomerulonephritis
d. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

29. Glomerular capillary flow all are true except- a. Glomerular oncotic pressure lower than filtrate
b. Oncotic pressure of filtrate is same as the systemic oncotic pressure c. Constriction of efferent arteriole leads to increase in blood pressure d. Increase in filtration lead to increase in hematocrit

30. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) all are true EXCEPT-
a. aims to apply the best available evidence gained from the scientific method to clinical decision making
b. the research paper is investigated by the tools qouted in research paper itself to check validity
c. the opinion of medical professionals n researchers have given a least importance
d. Evidence is formed from weak study and poor studies

31. If a thiazide diuretic is administered, the response in excretion seen within 24 hrs are- a. Decreased calcium, increased sodium and potassium
b. Increase sodium and potassium, increase calcium
c. Decrease potassium and increase sodium and calcium d. Not Recalled

32. Which is true for octreotide a. Stimulates growth hormone b. Used in secretory diarrhoea c. Used orally
d. Contraindicated in acromegaly

33. Prophylaxis with Azithromycin is given in cases of trachoma when prevalence in a community is:
a. 4%
b.6% c. 8 % d. 10%

34. Chymotrypsinogen is a a. Carboxypeptidase
b. Zymogen
c. Transaminase d. Elastase

34. Marker of bone formation is all except a. Osteocalcin
b. Alkaline phosphatase
c. Procollagen residue d. Hydroxyproline

35. A pt present with sudden b/l loss of vision with loss of light perception. The loss is more on right side. Pupillary reflex, optokinetic nystagmus are normal. Pt can touch to his finger on closing his right eye but not on closing lt. What is diagnosis?
a. Optic neuritis
b. Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy c. CMV retinitis
d. Functional visual loss

36. Exclusively involve neurons
a. Multiple cortical / system atrophy b. Spinocerebellar ataxia
c. Corticobasal degeneration

d. Supranuclear palsy

37. Which of the following is a marker for granulosa cell tumour?
a. Alkaline phosphatase b. Inhibin
c. CA 19-9

d. CA 5

38. Not true about Alzheimer’s disease-
a. Neurofibrillary tangles correlate with the degree of dementia b. Tau proteins
c. Plaques increase with age d. Not Recalled

39. Alzheimer's disease is associated with all of these except:
a. Acalculia b. Aphasia c. Apraxia d. Agnosia

40. A lady has a history of fall is unable to extend great toe. She also complains of pain in great toe, but with intact sensation. Disc prolapsed at what level?
a. L4-L5
b. L1-L2 /S1-S2 c. L5-S1
d. L3-L4

41. A person had a fall from tree and has been unable to move both of his lower limbs and had no control over micturition. The dose of methylprednisolone in this condition is
a. 30mg/kg within 3hrs b. 45mg/kg within 6hrs c. 60mg/kg within 9hrs d. 75mg/kg within 12hrs

42. All are seen in 3rd nerve palsy except a. Ptosis
b. Diplopia
c. Miosis
d. Eye moves laterally

43. A patient develops delirium tremens after 4 days of abstaining from alcohol. In this state, he assaults his neighbor. Which of the following is true according to Indian Penal Code?
a. He is not held responsible for the act b. He is partially responsible for the act c. He is fully responsible for the act
d. Not Recalled

44. In a study in UK, it was found that there was more death due to asthma as compared to sale of drugs for asthma. This is an example of
a. Ecological study b. Cohort
c. Case reference d. Experimental

45. All are true regarding function of normal flora except- a. Mucin fermentation

b. Epithelial proliferation c. Potassium Secretion

d. Not Recalled

46. All are true regarding primary hyperaldosteronism except a. Diastolic hypertension without edema
b. Metabolic acidosis present
c. Low secretion of rennin.
d. High secretion of aldosterone inspite of reduced volume of fluid

47. Same amino acid is coded by multiple codons due to following - a. Degeneracy
b. Frame shift mutation c. Transcription
d. Mutation

48. poly (A) induced polypeptide synthesis will give rise to?
a. Polylysine b. Polyglycine c. Polyalanine
d. PolyGlutamine

49. Technique used to compare a new lab test with a gold standard test is known as?
a. Regression analysis / Likehood test
b. Correlation analysis / Bland and Altman analysis c. Baltin and Altimore method
d. Kimorov and Samletor technique

50. What percentage of endothelium is destroyed in keratoplasty/ Cell loss after descement’s stripping in automated endothelial keratoplasty
a. 0-5%
b. 10-20% c. 30-40% d. 50-60%

51. In acute inflammation endothelial cells retraction due to cytoskeleton re-organisation causes
a. Immediate transient increase in permeability b. Delayed transient increase in permeability
c. Early permanent increase in permeability
d. Late permanent increase in permeability

52. Criteria for chloroquine retinopathy are all except-
a. Mild stippling or mottling in the macular pigmentation b. Seen at a dose of >250mg/d or >3mg/kg
c. >480g total dose d. Not Recalled

53. Which of the following therapy does not penetrate deep tissue?
a. Short wave diathermy

b.Microwave c. Infrared d.Ultrasound

54. A female patient was on hemodialysis developed carpel tunnel. It was found to be due to amyloidosis. What is the type of amyloid form synovial fluid?
a. AA
b. AL
c. Beta2 microglobulin d. AL and AA

55. Which is not a feature of SIADH ?

a. Increase urinary sodium excretion
b. Urinary osmolality > plasma osmolality c. Hypokalemia
d. Dilutional hyponatremia

56. All are true regarding SIADH except- a. Serum Na can be as low as 125
b. Serum sodium is normal or slightly low
c. Vaptans are new FDA approved drugs for its treatment d. Urine sodium is normal or slightly low

57. Flaying is seen in which type of lacerated wound?
a. Tear
b. Shearing force c. Avulsion
d. Pressure

58. Most common cause of Addison’s disease in India is- a. Tuberculosis
b. Post partum c. Autoimmune d. HIV

59. If air is inspired forcefully maintenance of tidal volume is by?
a. Bronchial stretch receptors b. J receptors
c. Carotid/aortic body d. Hering breuer reflex

60. Regarding LDL receptor all are true except. a. Clathrin coated receptor on cell membrane
b. Present only in extrahepatic tissues/ Only present in peripheral organs
c. . LDL is taken by endocytosis
d. Increased cellular chloesterol downregulates the receptors

61. The transmitters noradrenaline, adrenaline, dopamine, GABA and serotonin have a. Five pass gated Receptor /Two pass ligand receptor
b. Four pass gated Receptor /One pass ligand receptor

c. Seven pass Gated Receptor d. Ligand pass gated Receptor

62. Phagocytosis causes complement activation by a. C3b and Fc
b. Receptor mediated endocytosis
c. Not Recalled d. Not Recalled

63. Which of the following can help you to differentiate between epidermoid cyst and arachnoid cyst?
a. Smooth margin
b. Contrast enhancement c. CSF in FLAIR
d. Not Recalled

64. In a well fed state, carnitine shuttle in outer membrane of mitochondria is inhibited by?
a. Malonyl CoA
b. Acetyl CoA
c. Pyruvate d. Glucose

65. Which of the following is used to test the efficiency of sterilization in an autoclave?
a. Clostridium tetani
b. Bacillus stearothermophilus c. Bacillus pumilus
d. Bacillus subtilis

66. Regular drinking of which of the following can help prevent UTI?
a. Grape juice
b. Raspberry juice c. Orange juice
d. Cranberry juice

67. A 6 year old boy presents with non blanching peticheal rashes all over the body. Biopsy shows perivascular neutrophillic infiltrate and IgA deposition. Which of the following is
a. Henoch scholein purpura b .Hyper IgA syndrome
c. Mucosal hypersensitivity syndrome
d. Drug reaction

68. Which of the following is not a direct somatoform disorder /specific somatoform disorder?
a. Somatization b. Fibromyalgia
c. Chronic fatigue syndrome d. Irritable bowel syndrome

69. A 50 year old man with aortic stenosis is doing exercise for 11 minutes according to bruce protocol. Exercise had to be stopped due to fatigue. Regional pressure gradient is
60mmHg between the two sides of the aortic valve. What is the best management?
a. Angiography
b. Aortic valve replacement
c. Balloon aortic valvuloplasty d. Medical follow up

70. 65 years old patient presented to the emergency with high grade temperature and
increased respiratory rate. He complained of pain in the chest and had developed cough with expectoration. His sputum was sent to the laboratory for gram straining which showed the presence of pus cells and gram positive cocci. The culture on the blood agar medium was also positive. Which of the following laboratory tests will help to differentiate the specific
pathogen from the other commensal gram positive cocci?
a.Bacitracin sensitivity b.Oxidase test
c.Bile solubility d.Coagulase test

71. A newborn presents with congestive heart failure, on examination has bulging anterior fontanellae with a bruit on auscultation. Transfontanellar USG shows a hypoechoic midline mass with dilated lateral ventricles. Most likely diagnosis is
a .Medulloblastoma b. Encephalocele
c. Vein of Galen malformation d. Arachnoid cyst

72. A witness who changes his statement becomes hostile witness and is punishable under-
a. Sec 191 IPC
b. Sec 161 IPC

c. Sec 171 IPC
d. Sec 181 IPC

73. Adverse (deleterious) effect of hypothermia are all except:
a. Cardiac arrhythmia
b. Decrease peripherial resistance c. Reversible coagulopathy
d. Renal failure

74. Which of the following is not involved in protein synthesis?
a. Ribosome
b. Peptidyl transferase c. Aminoacyl tRNA
d. RNA polymerase

75. If 4 nucleotide repeats code for a amino acid...what is no. of amino acid coded possible:
a. 16 b. 64 c. 4
d. 256

76. According to organ transplantation act 1994 what punishment for doctor if found guilty?
a. 2 yrs
b. More than 5 yrs c. 1 yrs
d. 2-5 yrs

77. Drug used for non infectious uveitis in LUMINATE clinical trial program a. Steroid / Infliximab
b. Cyclosporin
c. Methotrexate d. Voclosporin

78. Bremelanotide used for a. Erectile dysfunction
c. Prostate Cancer
d. Metastatic renal cancer

79. Mizau phenemenon a. Oguchi ds
b. Fundus apunctaneus c. Fundus amaculateus d. Not Recalled

80. Stack method for age estimation from the dental pattern is used in a. Infants
b. Adult
c. Age 25 - 50 years
d. Age more than 50 years

81. A middle aged female presents with slowly progressive weakness of lower limbs, spasticity and recent onset hesitancy of micturition. On neurological examination there is evidence of dorsal myelopathy. MRI scan of spine reveals middorsal intradural/ subdural contrast enhancing mass lesion. Diagnosis is:
a.Intradural Lipoma b.Dermoid Cyst c.Meningioma
d.Neuro Epithelial Cyst

82. Systemic steroids are indicated in?
a. Pustular psoriasis
b. Impetigo herpetiformis c. Psoriatic arthropathy
d. erythamatous Psoriasis

83. Recent direct thrombin inhibitor which can be used in stroke is a. Dabigatrin
b. Ximelagatron c. Lepirudun

d. Saxagliptin

84. Normal functioning ovaries are found in - a.MRKH
b.Sweyer syndrome c.Turner
d.Müllerian agenesis

85. In a patient presenting with hematuria and hypercalcuria, which of the following can be the associated finding -
a. Isomorphic RBC
b. Proteinuria c. RBC cast
d. Not Recalled

86. Gallow's traction done in a. Fracture Femur
b. Fracture Tibia
c. Fracture Humerus d. Fracture Ulna

87. Intra-epidermal IgG is associated with?
a. Pemphigus
b. Bullous pemphigoid c. Psoriasis
d. Lichen Planus

88. A patient has the following lab test-BT=3, PT 15/14, APTT= 45/35, platelet count= 2.5 lacks, factor VIII= 60.The most probable diagnosis is
a. Factor VIII deficiency
b. Megakaryotic Thrombocytopenia c. Factor IX Deficiency
d. Factor X Deficiency

89. For which of the following conditions giving Prostaglandins is detrimental a.Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
b. Pulmonary atresia with VSD
c. Obstructive TAPVC
d. ASD

90. Cricket player hit his base of right thumb while catching a ball. For which of the following muscle will you investigate further?
a. Abductor pollicis longus b. Flexor pollicis brevis
c. Ulnar collateral ligament d. Volar plate

91. Patient complaining of pain and numbness in middle finger , index finger and thumb of right hand especially during night time. Which test is not done for evaluation of this


a.) Finkelstein test b.) Phalen's test
c.) Tinel's sign
d.) Torniquette test

92. A diabetic /Alcoholic presents with painless fixed 15 degree flexion deformity in the little finger. Management is
a.) Observation
b.) Percutaneous fasciotomy c.) Subtotal fasciotomy
d.) Total fasciotomy

93. Ham's test positive with hemolytic anemia is seen in a.) Thalessemia
b.) Sickle cell anemia
c.) Defective in spectrin structure d.) PNH

94. Best treatment for kawasaki's disease is a.) Aspirin
b.) I.V. immunoglobulin’s c.) Corticosteroids
d.) Methotrexate

95. A Child presents with meningomyelocoele. Investigation to be done is a. Blood culture
b. CSF culture c. Anal culture d. CBC

96. All are true about myelopathies except a. Sensory loss of facial area
b. Brisk jaw jerk
c. Brisk pectoral jerk d.Bladder urgency

97. Girl presents with primary amenorrhea. On examination secondary sexual characters are present but uterus and ovary are absent. What is the probable diagnosis
b. Androgen insensitivity c. Turner's
d. Gonadal dysgenesis

98. In which of the following conditions ovary is functional a.MRKH
b. Androgen insensitivity c. Turners Syndrome
d. Not Recalled

99. A patient with sudden bilateral acute severe vision loss more on the right eye. All other tests are normal. What is the probable diagnosis
a. Optic neuritis
b. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy c. Functional loss
d. Not Recalled

100. Man with head injury, after 4 days periorbital and frontal ecchymosis , diagnosis

a. Sphenoidal fracture
b. Internal carotid artery aneurysm c. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
d. Not Recalled

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