1.            Leukemia TRUE is? > Bad prognosis in ALL – Age <1yr
2.            Gallow's Traction > Shaft of Femur [REPEAT]
3.            Bracket Calcification > Lipoma of Corpus Callosum
4.            Amifostine > Radioprotector [REPEAT]
5.            Find NMR of given population > 50 [REPEAT]
6.            Max. radiation exposure > Bone scan [REPEAT]
7.            Brown Lesion + butterfly distribution + sun exposure > Chloasma
8.            Proptosis + inc on bending + no thrill + compressible > Orbital Varix
9.            Ca Endometrium Stage – 3b [REPEAT]
10.          Lesbianism - Active agent? > Dyke
11.          Child + cant touch dorsum + inversion > CTEV [REPEAT]
12.          ER+ve Breast cancer + drug > Tamoxifen [REPEAT]
13.          Amytripalline toxicity A/e > Atropine as Antidote [REPEAT]
14.          Post-transplant lymphoma > EBV
15.          Acute + Chronic Malnutrition > Weight for age [REPEAT]
16.          Most common + Spinocerebellar Ataxia + India > SCA 2
17.          Alpha Haemolysis + next test > Optochin [REPEAT]
18.          Ileostomy + early complication > Necrosis [REPEAT]
19.          Irreversible cell injury > Amorphous deposit in Mitochondria [REPEAT]
20.          Disaster + highest fatality > Geological
21.          Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) + used for > Inf. Vestibular Nerve
22.          Reccurent pyogenic infection + deficient > IgA + IgG2 [REPEAT]
23.          Antibiotic resistance A/E > Plasmid only vertical [REPEAT]
24.          Obesity study + UK > Ecological study [REPEAT]
25.          Beta Carotene + Fiber + Ca Colon > Confounding [REPEAT]
26.          Asphyxial death + last dissected > Neck [REPEAT]
27.          Rec otitis media + mouth breathing + hearing loss > Adenoidectomy + grommet [REPEAT]
28.          CNS True is > Occipital part of Cortex
29.          Epigastric hernia > Above umbilicus + Midline
30.          Alcohol level + Loss of Judgement > 30-80mg
31.          Bradykinin + role in inflammation > Pain
32.          Haematemesis + 5cm Spleen > Portal HTN [REPEAT]
33.          Breaslau's 2nd Life test > Stomach
34.          Low BP + Anaesthesia Induction > Ketamine
35.          Heart lesion + low BP + Anaesthesia induction > Etomidate
36.          Depot antipsychotic > Flufenazine
37.          Lady + MS + AF + Left atrial Thrombus + Not to do immediately? > DC Cardioversion
38.          Hemiplegia + corticospinal + all helpful except > Absent Abdominals
39.          Jaw cyst + highest malignant potential > Odontogenic keratocyst
40.          Non Iodine contrast > Gadolinium
41.          Child + itchy lesions on face + hands > Scabies [REPEAT]
42.          Best for TB Spine Diagnosis > CT guided Biopsy
43.          Boderlinje leprosy + characteristic > Inverted saucer lesions
44.          Not used for sputum decontamination > Chlorhexidine [REPEAT]
45.          Histopath + fixative > 10% Formalin
46.          Cardiac failure + natural drug > Gingko Biloba / Arjuna Terminalis
47.          Basal cell carcinoma + characteristic > Pallisading cells
48.          Choking seen in > Shot Gun
49.          Pedigree analysis > Mitochondrial Inheritance [REPEAT]
50.          RBC membrane defect > Hereditary Spherocytosis [REPEAT]

51.          Dial test positive > Posterolateral corner injury [REPEAT]
52.          CSF pressure > Absorption [REPEAT]
53.          Inc secretions + pinpoint pupil > OPC poisoning
54.          SLE not precipitated by > Penicillin G [REPEAT]
55.          Dosent eliminate bias > Multivariate analysis [REPEAT]
56.          Diagnosis + RDS > Air Bronchogram [REPEAT]
57.          Hep B true A/E > Vertical more imp than Horizontal [REPEAT]
58.          Nephrotic + oedema + cause > Less Proteins [REPEAT]
59.          Lift off test +ve > Subscapularis tendon tear [REPEAT]
60.          Cervical vertebrae diff from thoracic > Foramen transversarium [REPEAT]
61.          Severe headache + vomiting > SAH [REPEAT]
62.          Pneumococcal meningitis + empiric Rx > Vanco + Ceftriaxone
63.          Fever + headache + seizures /abcess + Rx > Ceftriaxone + Metronidazole
64.          Shock + normal delivery > PPH [REPEAT]
65.          Scoline apnea + False > Reduced Cholinesterase
66.          Reference man > 20-39yrs [REPEAT]
67.          Mother / fetal blood > Apt test [REPEAT]
68.          Right handed person + laryngoscope held in > Left hand
69.          Barrets oesophagus > intestinal metaplasia [REPEAT]
70.          Not supplied by accessory nerve > Stylopharyngeus
71.          Granulomatous uveitis + arthralgia > Sarcoidosis
72.          Rainy season + itching on face > Insect bite
73.          Saturday night palsy + Rx > Nerve conduction study and evaluate
74.          Stage 1 NEC + Rx > Observation + Antibiotics
75.          Lymphoproliferative intestinal disease + mc symptom > Malabsorption
76.          Ca Cx + IIIB + Rx > Brachy + chemo [REPEAT]
77.          Vision2020 + Ophthalmologist > 1:50000
78.          Vision2020 + Ophthalmic units > 1:500000
79.          NLD obstruction > Timolol
80.          Disease + workmen compensation act 1923 > Anthrax
81.          Ocular dentritic cells + HLA > HLA 1 + 2
82.          23yr + lady + sphaerocytes on PBF > Coombs test [REPEAT]
83.          Sodalime + Co2 absorbtion > CaOH2
84.          Post CA aneurysm + nerve > Occulomotor [REPEAT]
85.          Reccurent abortion + test > Russel Viper Test [REPEAT]
86.          Growth hormone A/E > Hypoglycaemia
87.          Gyrate Atrophy + Ornithine transcarbamoyalase def + Rx > arginine free diet
88.          Sleep cycle w/o external cues > >24hrs [REPEAT]
89.          Corneal dystrophy > Primary, Bilateral
90.          ADH true a/e > Inc by low plasma osmolarity
91.          Limited adduction n Abduction > Duane's Refractory Syndrome 3
92.          Mid-thigh swelling + round cells + Codman's + MIC2 > Ewings Sarcoma
93.          Anaesthesia depth > BiSpectral Index [REPEAT]
94.          Child + PR bleed + MC Cause > Juvenile rectal polyp
95.          Freys syndrome + auriculotemporal fused with? > Greater auricular Nerve
96.          Anastomotic leak + 150-200ml + 7days > Conservative
97.          Brain Responsiveness > Reacts to external stimuli
[snip].   Suicide + right temple + bone separate > Contact
99.          Rheumatic + Penicillin allergic + drug given > Streptomycin
100.        Nongonococcal urethritis + Culture > Mc Coy Cell lines [REPEAT]
101.        Antibody associated diarrhoea > Clindamycin
102.        PTSD + characteristic > Recall of events and avoidance
103.        Primary and secondary marking + bullet > Identification of weapon
104.        Woman + bradykinesia-2yrs + rigidity + square wave jerks > Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
105.        Meningioma + surgery + don't advice > Stop Steroids
106.        Trauma + loss of extension of toe > L4-5 Disc Prolapse [REPEAT]
107.        Moderate exercise + blood flow to brain > No effect [REPEAT]
108.        Abbatoir + pustule + stain > Polychrome Methylene blue [REPEAT]
109.        Rastriya Suraksha Bima Yojna RSBY > Health insurance for poor
110.        Doctor convicted under 304A > Gross Negligence
111.        Hypoglossal N palsy + True A/E > Loss of tactile sensation
112.        Not a disorder of form of thought > Thought block / loosening of association
113.        MI + Thrombolysis + stop > Pleural effusion on ECHO
114.        Cold sensitivity + hoarsness + cardiomegaly + cause > ECHO
115.        Acute blood loss + 500mL + not seen > Inc. PCV [REPEAT]
116.        Not a mechanism for neonate heat generation > Shivering [REPEAT]
117.        Dysphagia + wide esophagus + Rx > Myomectomy
118.        PV discharge + wife of truck driver + syndromic Rx > Doxy + metro + fluconazole
119.        Mouse + ablated + Myeloid transplant > RBC
120.        Unilateral headache + diplopia + jaw pain + Rx > Prednisolone
121.        HbsAg +ve + IgM HbcAb –ve + IgM HEV +ve > Co infection HBV + HEV
122.        Leprosy not eradicated coz? > Long incubation period
123.        Incubation period not imp for > Isolation period
124.        Direct ophthalmoscopy + area viewed > 2DD
125.        Max dose of retrobulbar adr + LA > 8mg
126.        Stereotactic Raditherapy for > Stage 1 Lung Ca
127.        RTA + aortic injury + A/E > Behind Oesophagus
128.        Polio + residual paralysis + checked after > 60days
129.        Bombay blood group A/E > Other antigens also absent
130.        Hypopigmented patch + abundant acid fast bacteria > Lepromatous Leprosy
131.        Social worker > works for rehab of handicapped to job
132.        Ventricular depolarisation starts from > Left side of Interventricular septum
133.        pH 7.45, pCO2 30 .. Partially compensated _____? > Resp Alkalosis
134.        1st order kinetics True > Rate of elimination directly proportional to drug concentration
135.        Pseudotumour cerebri MC in > 25-40 Obese Female
136.        Juvenile Myoclonic epilepsy + MC presentation > Myoclonus
137.        GERD + cause > Transient relaxation of LES
138.        Cancer + effective management + increased survival > ALL
139.        Non Photosensitive Porphyria > ALA Dehydratase / HMB Synthase
140.        Lewis triple response + due to > Histamine from injured mast cells
141.        Vitritis + iritis + focal macular lesion > Toxoplasmosis
142.        Tennis ball Trauma + Red spot in macula > Berlin Oedema
143.        Vitreal haemorrhage is DR > Neovascularisation
144.        Ant uveitis + post segment defect + dimunition of vision + MC > CME
145.        Common progenitor cell + haemopoetic stem cell + difference > Can reconstitute Bone Marrow
146.        Fall in bathroom + leg externally rotated + No fracture line + next Dx > MRI
147.        Atherosclerosis + with and without Dm + 100times increased risk? > CAD
148.        Protein req in 13-15yr girl > 1.33gm/kg
149.        Neonate + screening test + hearing > OAE
150.        Pneumothorax True > Chest wall expanded
151.        Hirsuitism + Inc Testo + oligomenorrhoea + 21yhr old > PCOD
152.        Critical closing volume > Close to RV
153.        Mastectomy + Loss of extension, adduction, internal rotation > Latismus Dorsi
154.        Hypopigmented macules on front and back + next Ix > KOH
155.        SLE + Granular deposits under skin > ANA
156.        Fight + Jaw broken > Police arrest without warrant
157.        Second Primary tumour in Head and Neck > Mouth
158.        Blue Green froth + poisoning > Copper
159.        Acute Pyelonephritis + pathogonomic > WBC Cast [REPEAT]
160.        Factors responsible for possible elimination of Filaria A/E > Killed in skin infestation
161.        Dye in vein + pain + inc swelling + no motor movement + palpabkle pulse Rx > Faciotomy
162.        Fever blisters > HSV 1
163.        Malignant Hyperthermia + immediate Rx > IV Dantrolene
164.        Gluconeogenesis promoted in starvation by > Pyruvate carboxylase stimulation by Acetyl Co-A
165.        Electrocochleography true > Auditory Nerve Action Potential
166.        NVD + anaesthesia of choice > Infusion
167.        Mucus + incomplete emptying + tenderness + 4yrs > IBS
168.        Nail tunnelling + 2 toes + 1 finger + Dx > KOH mount
169.        Seizures + stain since birth > Struge weber
170.        PPI + 24-48hr action > Irreversible inhibition
171.        Heat stiffening + temperature > 60degree
172.        Thrombolysis + max indicated > 12hrs
173.        Sun light exposure +lesion > Actinic keratosis
174.        Max cardiac output > Jus after delivery [REPEAT]
175.        Umblical stump bleeding > Factor 10 def
176.        8gm Hb + weakness + Pain abdomen > Duodenal ulcer
177.        Metabolic encephalopathy + EEG wave > Delta
178.        Midsystolic click + mitral valve patho > Myxomatous degen.
179.        MC risk factor + HCC > Hep B
180.        Pneumonia severity index + max score > Age
181.        3cm Stone in pelvis + no hydronep + no obs. + young male + Rx > ESWL
182.        Fluroscence microscopy + principle > Absorb light and emit longer wavelenth
183.        Haemmrhoids + below dentate line > Painful [REPEAT]
184.        Epidural/Sub arachnoid anaes + dose dec + A/E > Inc. Lumbar Lordosis
185.        Pregnant + difficulty in supine + fine on sitting/lateral > IVC Compression
186.        Antiepileptic True A/E > Phenytoin n Carbamazepine Na. channel activation
187.        Alzhimer + Amyloid + Small vessel disease + relation A/E > Alzimer not related to SVD
188.        True A/E > Moya Moya + Aortic Aneurysm
189.        Thermodilution + pulmonary pressure > Stewart Hamilton Principal
190.        Right handed person.. Left hemisphere. Does > Speech
191.        Food item + max cholesterol > Egg
192.        DNA estimation > Spectrophotometer
193.        Breast Cancer Stage IVB A/E > Nipple Retraction
194.        Secretory + membrane bount Ig's… > Differntial RNA processing / splicing [REPEAT]
195.        More than 1 codon for 1 amino acid > Degeneracy [REPEAT]
196.        WHO Road to Health > 3rdpc for Girls and 50thpc for boys
197.        Male + CAD + aspirin + Sudden fall in bathroom + malena > Gastric Ulcer
198.        Thoraco-Lumar Aorta Graft + inability to move LL > Disruption of Arteria Magna Radicularis
199.        IOC + Banned + A/E > Sodium Chromoglycolate / Salbutamol
200.        Woman + 50yr + Ca Cx FIGO Stage II-III + Rx > Hysterectomy

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